St. Francis Church is inspired by what our Lord said, through the prophet Jeremiah, to His people held in captivity in Babylon (6th Century BC). He said, “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce (Jeremiah 29: 5-7). As a church we are committed to “Seeking the Heart of God, for the Heart of El Paso”, and we are doing this in the following ways:
St. Francis serves our city monthly by mentoring 3rd-5th grade students at the elementary school in our neighborhood. Each mentor has lunch once a month with the same two or three students the school counselor considers “at risk”. Our job is to be a friend to the student, get to know them, and encourage them to pursue their school work and their dreams. We play games, do crafts, paint, and just have fun! For 45 minutes once a month, be a mentor and make a difference in the life of a child. Please contact Suzanne Todd for more information.
One way we will seek the welfare of El Paso is through partnerships with local businesses who are investing in the city of El Paso. Our first partnership is with 2Ten Coffee Roasters. 2Ten Coffee Roasters is producing our FRIAR’S BREW COFFEE; Franklin Mountain Blend (Regular), and Mission Hills Blend (Decaf.). 100% of all proceeds from the sale of FRIAR’S BREW COFFEE will go directly to the development of missions here in the El Paso metroplex. For more information about how you can help with FRIAR’S BREW COFFEE MINISTRY, please contact Ron Munden
Kelly Memorial Food Pantry is a nonprofit, volunteer driven community providing food to families in El Paso who struggle to make ends meet. Their mission is to give a sense of food security and hope by providing nutritional basics and encouragement to families. They work hard to meet the needs of families and send them away with a full basket of healthy food. Please contact Suzanne Todd for more information.
“The question which has to be put to every local congregation is the question whether it is a credible sign of God’s reign in justice and mercy over the whole of life, whether it cares for its neighbors in a way which reflects and springs out of God’s care for them, whether its common life is recognizable as a foretaste of the blessing which God intends for the whole human family.” –Lesslie Newbigin