About Our Church
Christ-centered Worship
Many churches today have different kinds of services for different ages of people. At SFC we believe it’s important for the church to worship together, regardless of age, background, or taste. Making worship less about our preferences helps make our worship less about us and more about God. Our hope is that you will experience an approach to worship that is God-centered, creative, and powerful.
We do this through the use of both ancient and modern music, language, and art. It includes Christian prayers, creeds, and Scripture, used by the Church since its earliest days. Specifically, we worship in the Prayer Book tradition of the Anglican Church, which includes the sacraments (the Lord’s Supper and Baptism), singing (both hymns and praise songs), and the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, freeing us to worship God with all that we are — our hearts, minds, and bodies.
Our worship time typically lasts 70 minutes. We offer Adult classes at 9:15am. Our children gather for Children’s Formation classes at 10:30am before joining their families during Worship. Most people dress semi-casual to casual, but we don’t really care what you wear. Everyone is welcome, and we invite you to come as you are!
“The question which has to be put to every local congregation is the question whether it is a credible sign of God’s reign in justice and mercy over the whole of life, whether it cares for its neighbors in a way which reflects and springs out of God’s care for them, whether its common life is recognizable as a foretaste of the blessing which God intends for the whole human family.”
– Lesslie Newbigin
What we believe
The Holy Trinity
The Holy Trinity is the mystery that the one God exists eternally as three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and has revealed Himself to us in the Gospel.
Justification and Sanctification
Justification is God's gracious declaration that a repentant and believing sinner is righteous through Christ's death and resurrection. Sanctification is the continuous work of the Holy Spirit in the believer, refining repentance, cultivating new life, transforming them into the likeness of Christ, and empowering them for good works.
The Lord Jesus Christ
Our Lord Jesus Christ, fully God and fully Man, is God Incarnate. Through His virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death, bodily resurrection, glorious ascension, and triumphant reign, He is the only Mediator between God and humanity.
The Christian Church
The Church is the Body of Christ, whose members belong to the new humanity, and called to live in the world in the power of the Spirit, worshipping God, confessing His truth, proclaiming Christ, supporting one another in love and giving themselves in sacrificial service to those in need.
The Holy Scriptures
The Bible, also known as the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments, are trustworthy, containing everything necessary for salvation, revealing God's will for the world, and holding supreme authority over faith, life, and the ongoing renewal and reform of the Church.
Spiritual Gifts
All Christians are called to use their God-given gifts in ministry, to work, witness, and endure for Christ. Ordained ministers have a particular calling to preach, teach, and provide pastoral care, equipping God’s people for service and guiding them toward maturity in Christ.